How Healthcare HR Leaders Are Moving Forward After COVID-19

How Healthcare HR Leaders Are Moving Forward After COVID-19

As we look to the future of healthcare, managing workflows during and after the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to be a major challenge. Like many other industries, successful operations in this new normal require agile HR teams with creative strategies for addressing workforce impacts.

Now more than ever, it's essential for healthcare HR leaders to better understand their role within their organizations' transformation efforts and develop tailored approaches that have the capability of adapting as needs arise.

In this blog post, we will explore healthcare HR leaders can optimize their organizations' HR capabilities by understanding emergent needs and implementing thoughtful policies regarding workflow changes.

Moving Beyond COVID-19 Funding

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many HR departments at healthcare organizations were focused on managing, implementing, and monitoring an influx of emergency government funding. Some organizations have struggled since this funding has run out.

Although this only presents one challenge to healthcare organizations, HR departments must lead the way in moving beyond temporary funding and focus on strategies that will sustain their organization during economic downturns. HR leaders must take a proactive approach when it comes to understanding the changing landscape of healthcare as well as its impact on their staff and operations.

Evolving to Meet the Needs of the Healthcare Business

Healthcare businesses need to adapt and innovate to remain competitive. This means healthcare HR leaders need to be agile and forward-thinking in their approach, while also understanding the complexities of managing a remote workforce.

As healthcare organizations begin to explore new modes of care, including telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and digital patient engagement, HR departments must also be ready to support their organizations in these initiatives. HR leaders need to provide strategic direction, as well as ensure that new policies and procedures are created and managed effectively.

One way healthcare HR teams can stay ahead of the curve is by exploring emerging tools and technologies that enable them to improve workflow processes. Automation solutions, for example, can help organizations streamline communication and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, analytics-based tools can provide greater visibility into workforce performance and productivity, allowing HR leaders to better manage their teams.

Change management is also an important part of HR's role in the organization's transformation. HR leaders must align their people management efforts with company goals, including the onboarding of new technologies and processes.

Future People Strategies for Transforming Healthcare

Traditionally, healthcare HR people strategies have focused on recruitment, onboarding, and retention. However, as the healthcare industry continues to evolve in a post-COVID world, HR teams must also consider how they can better support their organizations during times of change and transition.

One important step is for HR teams to focus on developing comprehensive training programs that are tailored to the needs of their workforce. This includes providing educational resources and training modules on new tools and methodologies, as well as offering guidance on how to use them effectively. Additionally, HR leaders should ensure that employees feel supported during times of transition by providing access to mental health services, career counseling, and other well-being programs.

Finally, healthcare organizations must also look for ways to foster collaboration and engagement across departments. This could include creating spaces for open dialogue and brainstorming, as well as encouraging employees to share their ideas and feedback.

Managing Digital Acceleration

The healthcare industry has been slower than others to adopt digitization, particularly due to issues of data compliance and patient adoption. Nonetheless, digital transformation has only continued to accelerate as new technologies hit the market and patients become more acclimated to digital forms of engagement and care. According to an article by Med-Tech Innovation News, "When patients start seeing faster and better results with technology, they will soon warm to the latest changes."

The HR department plays a role in digital transformation in that it should support management in implementing new processes and technologies. This can include providing resources to help employees learn and adapt to new tools, as well as ensuring that policies around data security are adhered to.

HR teams should be at the forefront of crafting and executing strategies for employee engagement, including ways to motivate employees with rewards and recognition.

Don’t Miss the Next HR Healthcare Event

With the loss of COVID-19 funding, many healthcare organizations face challenges ahead. Thankfully, the HR department can step in to assist in transformation efforts and help ensure there is a clear path forward for the organization’s people and processes.

If you’d like to learn more about HR’s role in the transformation of the healthcare organization, it’s set to be a hot topic at the next HR Healthcare event. Don’t miss HR Healthcare 2023 happening from October 2nd to October 3rd at the Austin Marriot Downtown in Austin, Texas.

Download the agenda and register for the event today.